National Championships

Previous Results


Players must have the following for eligibility:

  1. 10 career matches
  2. Must have played 6 matches from June 19th to Oct 9th in weekly league play
  3. Must be on an active roster
  4. Teams must be active for 2 sessions


Registration Forms – Deadline is Oct 9th

Hotel Booking Info

Event Schedule

8-Ball Dream Team

8-Ball Singles

9-Ball Singles

8-Ball Scotch Doubles



National Products at the TAP National Events are:

8-Ball Teams, 9-Ball Teams, 8-Ball Singles, 9Ball- Singles,  8-Ball Scotch Doubles. Various Mini Events are ran throughout the event.  Times will vary depending on the schedule of the main events.


Nationals Dream Team Rally

Held in the same arena as the TAP National Championship Event, we’ve added one of TAP’s most liked formats, The

8-Ball Dream Team Event. Ran in conjunction with the National Event, this addition started in 2010 to invite other teams that did not qualify for the National Championships or if their areas team counts did not follow our restrictions an opportunity to see what it is all about.

Traveling Nationals

When TAP Founder, Loyd Schonter agreed to add a National Events to the TAP program his intention was to make it different. A great way to promote the sport, entertain the players and their family was to have a Traveling Nationals. This shows the players new locations and show the locations what we are about, a traveling billboard for the sport of amateur pool.

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